This soft pastel bridal bouquet is the perfect whisper of elegance featuring pale pink roses, blush dahlia, delicate white peonies, pale pink cabbage rose, white sweet peas, hydrangea, baby’s breath, and accented with miniature viburnum. Three white orchids cascade down asymmetrically, all sitting atop a bed of seeded eucalyptus and ferns. Bound delicately with baby pink satin ribbon.
Bridal Bouquets are 19" across (sizes may vary slightly between individual bouquets, and doesn't include the added length of bouquets with protruding foliage)
The delivery and pickup fee is a flat rate of $50 for all local events (Edmonton and greater area).
Products will be delivered 2 days before the event and picked up 2 days after the event, with a total rental period of 5 days.