This stunning bridal bouquet merges the freshness of magenta roses with the regal presence of purple hydrangea and black orchids, all elegantly offset by the luxuriant shades of plum, deep green eucalyptus sprigs, and burgundy thistle. Expertly crafted into a hand-tied bouquet and finished with sumptuous amethyst satin ribbon, this statement piece is the perfect complement for your bridal ensemble.
This stunning bridal bouquet merges the freshness of magenta roses with the regal presence of purple hydrangea and black orchids, all elegantly offset by the luxuriant shades of plum, deep green eucalyptus sprigs, and burgundy thistle. Expertly crafted into a hand-tied bouquet and finished with sumptuous amethyst satin ribbon, this statement piece is the perfect complement for your bridal ensemble. Rent for Five days for $88.00
Rent a Rose Purple and magenta bridal bouquet for rent for $88.00
Bridal Bouquet in Black Cherry
Rent a Rose Purple and magenta bridal bouquet for rent for $88.00

Bridal Bouquet in Black Cherry

Regular price$88.00
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This stunning bridal bouquet merges the freshness of magenta roses with the regal presence of purple hydrangea and black orchids, all elegantly offset by the luxuriant shades of plum, deep green eucalyptus sprigs, and burgundy thistle. Expertly crafted into a hand-tied bouquet and finished with sumptuous amethyst satin ribbon, this statement piece is the perfect complement for your bridal ensemble.

The delivery and pickup fee is a flat rate of $50 for all local events (Edmonton and greater area).

Products will be delivered 2 days before the event and picked up 2 days after the event, with a total rental period of 5 days.

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